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Vallejo 26214 Black Lava-Asphalt 200ml

Vallejo 26214 Black Lava-Asphalt 200ml
Varenr.: 26214
  • Pris ved køb af 1 ,84,00  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
The placement of our model in a diorama or vignette gives it a reality, a background and a history, an added dimension and a reason for the humidity, the traces of mud, of the dry sand of the desert or the dark earth of the wooded landscapes of central Europe. The range of Diorama Effects offers the modeler everything needed for the reproduction of a terrain, with effects of sandy and dusty roads, or of snow, mud and water, all of which add to the realism of the setting and relate the model to its environment.
Safety: Diorama Effects is not flammable, and does not contain solvents. Please see also certified safety information of the product on the Safety page. See link below.
Packaging: Available in 200 ml./6.76 fl.oz. Pots.
Applications: Black Lava-Asphalt has a thick and dense consistency, appropriate for volcanic grounds and for asphalt on roads and construction sites.
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