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Tamiya 56362 Volvo FH16 8x4 Tow Truck Globetrotter 750 1/14

Tamiya 56362 Volvo FH16 8x4 Tow Truck Globetrotter 750 1/14
Varenr.: 56362
  • Før10.596,00
    Pris ved køb af 1 ,8.476,80  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
1/14 R/C Volvo FH16 Globetrotter 750 8x4 Tow Truck
Our series of ultra-realistic 1/14 scale R/C trucks is a byword for fun, and offers a wide variety of different models and truck types.

Now, it is to expand with another brand new type – the tow truck, which makes its living towing heavy duty vehicles such as tractor trucks. It promises a completely different element of enjoyment to predecessors in the series. The FH16 is marketed by Volvo, a renowned actor in the global commercial vehicle market.

The FH Series includes a 750hp 16.1-liter turbocharged inline-6 engine FH16 Globetrotter 750 8x4 tow truck.

About the Model
• This is a 1/14 scale R/C model assembly kit. Length: 750mm, width: 195mm, height: 300mm.
• Features a detailed molded plastic depiction of the cab, with photo-etched front grille and interior features.
• This model’s front axles feature the first twin steering system seen in the Tamiya 1/14 Truck series.
• The rear boom and underlift mechanism features plenty of metal components for excellent durability. Employ the new separately sold Actuator Set (Item 56553) to control them via R/C transmitter.
• Ladder frame has aluminum side channels and resin cross members. Power from the front motor is delivered to the two rear axles via propeller shaft. A built-in differential gear on each axle enables smooth cornering.
• Highly-realistic suspension utilizes metal leaf springs and friction dampers. The model enjoys easy driving thanks to the float-mounted die-cast front and reinforced resin rear axles.
• Three-speed transmission allows shifting via transmitter (only one gear is usable when towing).
• Headlights and taillights can be lit up with separately sold LEDs, and the model is compatible with Item 56523 Tractor Truck Multi-Function Control Unit "Euro-Style" (MFC-03).
• Compatible TROP truck option parts: 56523, 56531, 56538, 56548, 56549, 56550, 56551, 56553.