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Tamiya 35264 Bradley M2A2 ODS IFV - 1:35

Tamiya 35264 Bradley M2A2 ODS IFV - 1:35
Varenr.: 35264
  • Før389,00
    Pris ved køb af 1 ,311,20  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
Tamiya presents a plastic assembly kit for the M2A2 ODS Infantry Fighting Vehicle, a vehicle that in March 2003, was used on the front line in Iraq supporting the 3rd Armored Infantry Division as they pushed there way to Baghdad. The kit comes fully equipped with extra attachments to accurately replicate the real vehicle.

Production of the M2 Infantry Fighting Vehicles began in 1980. Based on operations in the Gulf War in 1991, a further improved M2A2 ODS (Operation Desert Storm) was later developed in 1996. The M2A2 ODS featured the latest in electronics, including a laser range finder, missile countermeasure device, GPS and digital compass antenna sensor. After friendly fire incidents in the Gulf War, a CIP (Combat Identification Panel) was developed and attached to the sides and the rear of the M2A2 ODS. In March 2003, M2A2 ODS units attached to the 3rd Armored Infantry Division were at the front line in the Iraq War.
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