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Tamiya 24336 Subaru BRZ St-Costum

Tamiya 24336 Subaru BRZ St-Costum
Varenr.: 24336
  • Før329,00
    Pris ved køb af 1 ,263,20  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
This kit recreates the Subaru BRZ with customizing parts fitted to the car. The BRZ, of course, is a high powered front engine rear-wheel drive sports car with tuned front strut and rear double wishbone suspension. In keeping with its sporty profile, the BRZ is frequently customized by its owners, and one of the main sources of customizing parts is Subaru Tecnica International (STI) - a company in the same group as Subaru. They offer a wide range of parts to tune different areas of the car. Now, newly-designed parts are included in this kit to depict such customizations.
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