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Tamiya 14057 Honda VFR750R 1/12

Tamiya 14057 Honda VFR750R 1/12
Varenr.: ta14057
  • Før219,00
    Pris ved køb af 1 ,175,20  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
1/12 Honda VFR750R
This is a plastic model assembly kit depicting the VFR750R, a replica model of Honda"s successful RVF750 endurance racer.

From the integrated crank case to the individual cylinders and other components, the V4 engine is depicted in style. Just like on the actual motorcycle, the cowls are split into top and bottom components. They are molded clear to allow inspection of the workings underneath. Various parts are screw-attached for a realistic finish.
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