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Italeri 7502S JS-2 - 1:72

Italeri 7502S JS-2 - 1:72
Varenr.: 7502S
  • Før129,00
    Pris ved køb af 1 ,103,20  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage



The appearance of new German heavy tanks on the Asian front, the Tiger in particular, stimulated Soviet engineers to develop a new generation of armoured vehicles, based on the T-100 prototype. The torsion bar suspension was mounted higher in the hull, lowering the tanks height from the ground and allowing the installation of a larger turret able to hold a 100mm cannon (in the JS-1) or a 122mm cannon (in the JS-2, which appeared at the end of 1943).
10+ Wargames Approved

Type: Fast Assembly - Military vehicles
Period: Second World War
Country: Russia
Skill: 1
Model Dim.: 12,3 cm
Box Dim.: 258 x 162 x 38 mm