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Varenr.: AK262
  • Pris ved køb af 1 ,29,00  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
Enamel type product for modelling.
Filters are designed to achieve a subtle tonal variation for especially vehicles in monotone camouflage colors. Shake and apply directly from the bottle with a moist flat brush. This dark brown filter allows us to change subtly the base tone of woods or light browns making it more accurate and authentic color. At the same time, the filter adds depth and richness to our vehicle or accessory, preparing it for the next paint steps. Use the filters by moistening a brush and applying it without flooding the surface, to enrich hues in your models, unify camouflage, or highlight areas with a different tone. With these products we will avoid mixing paints, looking for the correct dilution, or searching for the correct colors for our vehicle.

These filters are enamel based and can be cleaned or diluted with Odorless Enamel Thinner.
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