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AK11377 LIGHT STONE NO.61– AFV, 17 ml

AK11377 LIGHT STONE NO.61– AFV, 17 ml
Varenr.: ak11377
  • Pris ved køb af 1 ,20,00  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
The AFV label identifies specific colors for painting military vehicles from all eras.

Very special tones used by different armies in different periods (FS, RAL, etc.).

Latest generation colors, with a new technologically superior formula to paint with a brush and airbrush, avoiding the traditional clogs when diluted.

Non-toxic, very high pigmentation, coverage and resistance for models kits, miniatures and modeling in general.

The new cap allows you to quickly identify the color.

It comes in 17ml bottles.