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AK Interactive 1017 FINE RESIN PRIMER SPRAY, 150ml

AK Interactive 1017 FINE RESIN PRIMER SPRAY, 150ml
Varenr.: 1017
  • Pris ved køb af 1 ,59,00  DKK
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Product in spray with a grey tone special for priming resin parts featuring a high opacity once dry. This spray primer can be applied directly on resin, is ul- tra-resistant and with the best adherence.

Clean and degrease the resin parts to be painted. The paint is a synthetic lacquer that cures in a short period of time. Easy to apply, the primer of resin parts will be- come simple and more effective.

Before using you will need to shake the spray well, at least a minute to get a good mixture. Paint with the can in vertical position in fast and thin coats at a distance of about 25 cm., allowing to dry for 5 minutes between layers. At the end of the painting turn the can upside down holding the spray nozzle for a few seconds in this position, until no more paint comes out of the dif- fuser, thus avoiding the obstruction of the diffuser.
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