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AK 9198 SUPER CHROME, 60 ml

AK 9198 SUPER CHROME, 60 ml
Varenr.: 9198
  • Pris ved køb af 1 ,129,00  DKK
På lager Lev. 2 dage
Super chrome is a special ultra-glossy, alcohol-based ink including a resin component that improves the optical and mechanical properties of the ink.

This formula optimises adhesion and gloss level, and helps to stabilise the pigments.

The extra fine particles stay perfectly aligned to the surface and offer an extremely strong mirror effect as well as a high covering power.

This paint is UV resistant.

Volume: 60ml

This paint is suitable for application over all surfaces but works best for homogeneous surfaces.

It can be applied using an airbrush and a brush.
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