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AK FA 614 Airbrush Cleaning Station set

AK FA 614 Airbrush Cleaning Station set
Varenr.: fa614
  • Pris ved køb af 1 ,149,00  DKK
Ikke på lager Lev. 2 dage
A set designed for thorough cleaning of any airbrush.
A glass jar with a plastic screw cap is used to purge the airbrush with the cleaner after each use. Thanks to a special filter in the upper part, all impurities and liquid remain in the container. Additionally, the lid is equipped with an airbrush stand.

Cleaners and rods are used to thoroughly clean various elements of airbrushes: tips, nozzles, bodies and other elements. The needle, on the other hand, cleans the inside of the airbrush nozzle or other internal parts of the airbrush, such as the needle guide channel.

Container Height: 85mm, diameter: 100mm.
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